Tuesday, July 13, 2010

18. One Man's Trash Can

Hit the thrifties today, picked up a couple of cool items.  This chair, I'll call it a library chair, is in absolutely perfect shape, with just the right amount of wear to give it character.  I love chairs, if I haven't mentioned this already.  To me they are the height of functional art.  So many ways to arrange a seat, legs and back - the possibilities are  unlimited.  And who can imagine a life without a chair?  They have become an absolute cornerstone of human existence, at least until we evolve so far we no longer have butts (if you believe that sort of thing).  I plan to match this one with some sort of desk at Grandview - who knows what that will be or when it will turn up!

I also found a great kitchen trash can.  With a couple of dogs, it's necessary to have a lidded trash, or keep it under the sink.  This is a pretty nice one - has the liner that holds the bag so you don't have to see that part.  I haven't cleaned it up yet - it's a little spotty after getting rinsed out.

I began writing up the permit applications today for submission tomorrow, for the front door and garage door work.  As I was going through the requirements for the garage door replacement, I saw that they were asking for specs on the door that I would be installing there.  So I had to go to the surplus place where I purchased the door, and they said they don't have specs on any of their stuff.  He was ready to refund my money, but I asked him to take the screw out and open the door so I could look for a sticker inside the jamb - they were skeptical but there it was.  Why am I telling them how to do their job?  Anyhoo, looking very smart I asked them if it was ok to wait until after I got the permit to pick up the door, since I had to make sure the city would approve a door with these specifications.  They were fine with that and when I returned home I downloaded a spec sheet to include with the application.  Two copies each of two drawings, the site plan and photos with description of work later, I had everything in a folder to take to Jake for his final suggestions.  I'm headed over there for a happy hour meeting with him and Bobbie as soon as I finish this.

I also went to Superior and picked up my three deadbolts that had been re-keyed.  I saw the original Dave that I had met weeks ago, had a nice conversation, and told him I would be back next week with a piece of wood for him to copy.  He said he couldn't think of any reason why he wouldn't be able to make it perfectly.

Then on to HD for a couple of "No Tresspassing" signs and a mailbox and I'm back home.  After my meeting with J & B (that's Jake and Bobbie from now on) I'll get all packed up so I can leave early in the morning.

Balance forward:  $252

$7  library chair
$4  trash can

Remainder:  $241

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