Wednesday, August 18, 2010

39. I'd Like to Solve the Puzzle, Pat

When I arrived this morning, the menfolk were already hard at it.  These guys are nothing if not detail minded - everyone in the neighborhood has commented about what great work they are doing (PS they said the same thing about Rob and Ken - I have some wonderfully talented friends!!).  Here they are forming up the rest of the footer - must make sure everything's level or you are in trouble when it comes to laying the block on top.

Ok, I love power tools, everyone knows that.  Today I was introduced to a new one:  a little electric concrete mixer!  He was so excited to be there to help on the project - can't you tell?  I want one!!!  You throw a bag or two of concrete into it, and as it's mixing around you squirt water in until it's just right, which sure beats mixing it in a wheelbarrow with a hoe.  Then you just dump it right where you want it.

This is the last leg of the footer, all nice and poured.  It has just a little curve to it, like the original that had to be taken out.  If that sandy area to the left looks remarkably like a giant cat box, that's because it is.  I love animals, but I'm really looking forward to having a fence, and the neighborhood kitties taking their tootsie rolls elsewhere.

This is one of the brackets, already cemented into the top (lintel) course of block - one fence post will go in each one.  They will NEVER wiggle or get that sloppy leany look that some fences do.

And here are a couple of the neighborhood inspectors dropping by to see what was done today.  On the left is Mr. Leete, who brought the guys a cold beer.  The left side of the wall you see is actually on his property.  On the right is Cindy, a very nice lady who lives down the street with her husband Randy.  Randy has already baked me a loaf of bread to welcome me to the 'hood.

Now if you think I was inside all day lounging around and reading a book, you'd be wrong.  But how many pictures of switch boxes with wires can I show you?  Today I finished a few in the kitchen and moved  into the living room, in anticipation of Steven and me tearing the siding off the front wall in the morning.  I will have a little re-wiring to do there and wanted to have my ducks in a row before he comes.  I took everything apart and figured out which breaker brings power out there.  I found several things that were wired wrong - some were ungrounded and a few switches were wired completely wrong.  I will eventually have to open up every switch and outlet in the house just to satisfy myself that there are no more like that.

This is a picture of where one of the giant living room ceiling fans was - somebody hung it with TOGGLE BOLTS IN THE DRYWALL!!  Now even the most remedial honey-doer knows that a ceiling fan has to be secure - at least to keep it from wobbling around and falling on your head.  Nothing was holding it up but the wire nuts by the time I got to it.  One wire here is the hot coming in from a junction box, and the other is the wire that goes to the other ceiling fan.  Got 'em capped off now and I will eventually dig around a little up there and install a 2x4 and an appropriate fan box to hang it back up.

Tomorrow Steven and I will concentrate on demo and prepping the front porch for the siding.  I think this will take the better part of the day, so I gave up the idea of doing demo and installation all in one day.  I may have to screw up some plywood over the door hole, but oh well.  Then on Friday or Saturday, I may possibly have a special guest volunteer make an appearance, someone who is skilled in trim work and can help me bang out the siding installation.  I won't mention any names because I don't know if he would like to remain incognito.  If not, you can bet I'll have lots of pictures of us at work - that will be a reeeeally satisfying project to complete!

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