This was probably the hardest three days to stay away from Grandview!! After what happened Friday night - I really wanted to run over but I contained myself. I figured if there was anything significant damaged on my house, the police would have notified me - remember they put all my contact information in a file when I introduced myself to them back in June. It was time to trust a little and take a couple of much-needed days to decompress. There was an age when I could work like that six days a week, but not any more!!

Saturday I did go out to celebrate, and I got another good one for you. This is a picture of some friends of mine that have a band - and I often go to see them on the weekends. The spooky-looking but harmless guy in the middle with the black hat is the drummer, Ricko. Well I was sitting with Ricko during one of their breaks and he said "what did you do last night?" I responded "I was in bed by 8pm, what did you do?" and his answer nearly made me fall off my barstool: "I watched a two-story house in Daytona Beach go up in flames". He had no idea it was the house right next to mine but he happened to be nearby with a friend when the fire broke out and they watched the whole thing!! What are the odds of that? OK, now you know where my house is... it was going to come out eventually.
Nice thing is, Ricko volunteered to go back with me on Tuesday and work a day with me - we may visit the beach afterward. I haven't told him it has to be the dog beach, since Roscoe will be with me but that's fine. He's going to help me rip down the rest of the walls in the kitchen, and hang out while I run a few wires through the ceiling. He doesn't touch electrical, and I don't blame him.

I'm sure I mentioned that Jake is a master electrician, along with everything else he knows how to do. He began a long time ago teaching me - on my own house - how to do basic wiring. In the beginning I just watched him, then helped him, then I graduated to him watching me. When I renovated an old barn into an art studio last year, I actually wired the whole thing myself because he had the nerve to take his wife on a road trip in their RV just when the wiring was supposed to go in. I told him it was the best thing that could happen - like throwing the kid in the pool to see if she could swim. He actually had more confidence in me that I did, but once you figure it out, it's really not that hard.
The diagram above is my basic wiring diagram for the kitchen. I like it because I actually understand it and it lets me know what has to be done before the ceiling goes in. I've decided to put recessed lighting over the stove and sink counter areas if possible. I purchased the lights (called shallow cans) that I hope will fit in under the second story. I'll take them with us in the morning and see if they will fit between the ceiling and the second floor. If they don't fit, I'll just run the wires and come up with another option, something suspended under the finished ceiling, but I really think the recessed lighting adds a lot in an area like that. I'm not sure what's going to go in the middle - maybe a fan with a light. Either way I've got to get the wires through the ceiling tomorrow.

Visited the thrift stores with my friend Denise today - I found some more much-needed curtains and a cool 60's enamelware spaghetti pot that I couldn't resist. The other two pots are Revereware copper bottom pots - I've had a set of those forever and I love them.
Balance Forward: $270
$25 blanket, beach towel, more curtains and an assortment of cookware
Remainder: $245
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