I had thought that Don and the landscape guys would skip Friday and be there today, but they came Friday and did some work, so they skipped today. They prepped the forms for the block wall, but since there was a deluge of rain, they'll have to touch it up a little Monday morning before they pour the footer and lay the block.
Also, Steven had wanted to come today to give me a hand with whatever I was working on... but that fell through as well so I shifted gears.
It worked out just fine - I needed a day at Grandview by myself, to straighten up, clean up a little, put some stuff back in order. Things get messy and discombobulated when there's a lot of work going on and it bugs me when stuff starts piling up in all the wrong places. I built a rack in the basement for all the gardening tools. I rearranged some stuff and moved the lumber I'm storing down there, because soon I want to try to park my truck in the left side. I also straightened up all the work areas - sorted out the electrical tools and took an inventory for what I have left to do. Swept the floor, cleaned the counter. Also I closed up that hole in the wall where the stove vent had been so lovingly 'tucked' - it looked like it had been hacked out with a carving knife. I had a plastic bag stapled over it and was thankful there wasn't a huge puddle in the house when I came in, after that rain storm yesterday.
You can thank my sister for requesting a floor plan which I should have done long ago. Hopefully this will help you follow the action a little better. It's not perfect - I have a little trouble figuring out just where the closets start and stop - but it's close enough.
But now, the piece de resistance! The moment you have been waiting for... or maybe not. As you watch this, please forgive the narration in doggie talk, but when you spend your whole day talking to a dog I guess that's how you sound. Anyway, here is your virtual tour!!
Thanks Amy that was awesome! I felt like I was there. Very very cool.