Sunday, September 26, 2010

53. Lots of Work, Not a Lot of Photos

I spent Monday through Thursday at the house, but somehow I failed to get pictures of everything, so I'll just mention a couple of things here that I can document.  I will post again soon - I actually have graduated into the 21st century... I have an iphone now and I think that means I can update the blog from the actual job site!!  We shall see.

This is a picture of that same kitchen window I'm sure you're tired of hearing about.  It's done except for caulk and painting the jamb and I think it looks pretty good.  I painted the windows and hung them with care  - I even chiseled out the jamb to fit the hinges!  I made a sill to fit and installed the window stop trim around each opening.  I will order casement hardware this week so I can crank them open and shut, and then build screens to fit as well.  I guess it's not really done at all, is it?

I also framed up the chase for the ductvwork in the living room.  Thought I had a picture...but no.  I will update with pictures, and the paneling will be going up over it this week also.

I put the 2x4's on the staircase in the back so when I return I can install some lattice so babies can't fall off the side of the stairs.  Of course they can still fall down the stairs.  Oh well, at least it will pass a City inspection.

The pantry got trimmed out, and is ready for caulk and primer.  Again no picture.  I won't be doing any painting though, until I finish all this woodwork.  I'm tripping over piles of wood, and sawdust is everywhere, nail guns and hammers and shims littering the place.  Painting is like the icing on the cake - it's hard to wait, but I will.

Except in the laundry room - I did caulk and paint most of it, in anticipation of the arrival of my free washer and dryer.  No picture.  I'M SORRY!!  I returned to Daytona on Saturday with my friend Duke from Ft. Lauderdale and the washer and dryer, so they are in the living room waiting to go upstairs (the equipment, not my friend).  I will be doing laundry in there this week - now those will be some exciting photos.

As previously promised, I waited for Duke to return to open the "vault" on the side of the house.  It's really just a concrete room built under the landing for my coffin door - and the big event was monumentally disappointing.  Nothing in there but a huge gecko.  Not sure what's going to go in here... any suggestions?

I spent the final $47 of my initial $500 furnishings budget on some bedding and lamps and misc. last week.  I'll start another $500 with my next visit to the thrift store, hopefully tomorrow morning.  I still need small furniture items - end tables, book shelves, more curtains, and I'd love to find a dining table and chairs.  I've decided I would like to have a heavy wooden pedestal table that has a leaf or two, so I'll be on the lookout for one of those.

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