Above you can see two of the pieces installed in the den, and to the left are the other two pieces at Grandview. The master bedroom is L-shaped, and we rearranged things so there is a nice sitting area now. Dave was gracious enough to contribute his TV and buy an antenna so we can get local channels - pretty important when you want to watch a little news or a NASCAR race over the weekend! And now we have a really comfy place to do just that. By the way we paid $300 for the whole couch, which is in great shape: we love it in both locations!
You may remember a letter from the City that I mentioned - citing me for peeling paint. At the time I was a little worried, since I really wasn't ready to start painting the house yet and I didn't want a bunch of fines. I have since had a few conversations with neighbors though, that eased my mind a bit. First, Mark, our neighbor directly to the rear of the vacant lot said that he knew of some others that had gotten citations as well, and he was surprised that they were pestering me. The next week, a guy from a house a couple of doors down said that the City had issued 120 citations last month as part of a push to improve the neighborhood, which I took to be good news. Then we saw our immediate neighbor Dave the architect, out pressure washing his building - apparently he had gotten a citation as well ( I had been hoping he would do this because his place really needed it!). The best part was when he told me he actually spoke to the City Code Enforcement guy who said he felt bad about giving me a citation, after all the work I had done!
This week when we arrived we noticed that there were several people on the block that had just painted their front walls and fences, probably in response to their own 'love letters' from the City. Coincidentally, working on our front fence and wall was next on the list so our timing was perfect. Last week we dug out around each post and added concrete, so no more wiggly out-of-level posts. Here you can see that done - as well as the peeling paint that was so offensive to the neighborhood. Also notice the broken concrete at the end of the wall.
Here is the "before" picture of the wall in front of the vacant lot, with the faux pier look, and 25-year old hand painted ocean mural below. Now I'm a fan of custom artwork as much as anyone, but this just had to go. A few weeks ago I actually met the very nice couple that had owned the Misty Shores Apartments since the 70's until 2004 and they were the ones that painted the mural! I confessed that it would probably be painted over, and they seemed to understand so my conscience is clear. I did promise to keep the dock theme though - I kinda like it.

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