Another project this past week took place in the guest bedroom. Of course my constant companions weren't far - Rufus is usually just beyond the commotion, but Roscoe is always right in the middle of it. I have to say I rarely feel lonely with these two around.
You may remember that when I had the AC put in, the ductwork had to get into the attic somehow, and the logical place was right alongside the chimney. Since I'm not going with the "Jeffrey's Tube" (an obscure Star Trek reference for those of you who are scratching your heads right now) motif in this room I decided it needed to be walled up and made to disappear, just like the ducting in the living room. Here you can see where I've begun the framing for the wall. I built the wall on the floor and tilted it up into place - I find this the easiest way to do it when I'm working alone. Mike Holmes would say to put the top plate in place and work down, but hey... I'm just one skinny girl, Mike!

Finished product is what counts, anyway, and upon inspection by those in the know, this passed with flying colors. When it's all finished and painted, it will be flush with the bump out where the chimney is, and you won't even know it's there. It's a great place for a dresser and I put some special cross-pieces for hanging something heavy like a mirror.

This picture was taken downstairs in the living room. It's the AC controls, all taken apart. When they originally installed it, the chase was not complete, and the wire for this needed to be re-routed now that everything is done. When I got the thing apart I realized I needed a tiny jeweler's screwdriver for that row of eensy little screws you can see there. I tried a knife and my fingernail before I came up with this - it's a tool that came with one of my deadbolts that you would use when re-keying. Worked like a charm. When I was done I realized I had flipped the wrong breaker and it was never off... lucky it was only low-voltage, and the AC guy said I was also lucky I didn't blow the _________ (I can't remember exactly what he said).

Another big project for the week was to finish the fence along the left side of the house, between me and the Architect. I left the posts a little high in case I decide to put something decorative there on top. It's a nice side porch, tiled with slate - might make a nice place for a table and chairs, maybe a couple of lounge chairs. When you walk out the door on the inside staircase landing, this is what you see.

On the last day I was there, while I was having my coffee, I hung the two upper cabinets. We didn't have time to do it when Dave was there, but he suggested I put a ledger board underneath to support it, so I could do it myself. This particular part of the project went surprisingly smooth. And now I have a place to put dishes!

Here is Roscoe quietly watching the neighborhood goings-on while I'm hard at work in the kitchen. Everyone loves looking up and seeing him! After everything that got done this week I am ready for City inspections on three of my four permits: Staircase, check! AC, check! Fencing, check! All I have left to do before I call them is finish the siding by the garage door and trim out the window on the front porch. I'll be starting that this week. Oh, and I spoke to my neighbor when I got back to Apopka, Juan, who happens to be a contractor that specializes in building exteriors especially stucco. I asked him to give me a price on stucco-ing that block wall of mine in Daytona. He said he would give me all the materials, and the tools to do it, and since he has a small project he is working on at home... Saturday I get a stucco class! I am such a weirdo I am actually excited about this.
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