Now to get you caught up on a little of the work that got done last week. Monday of course was a wash, and Tuesday was another cleaning/organizing day, with a little bit of work. Wednesday I worked on the laundry room.
This is actually a picture that I meant to post in episode 47. I have never had a set of saw horses of my own, if you can believe that, and I found these at a yard sale for $5. The people actually were using them for a table to sell stuff and hadn't planned to sell them... I have them set up on the back porch for this "woodworking" phase of the project. It's the perfect place to have my circular saw, table saw, and jig saw all ready to go - all the sawdust drops down into the yard. It's going to be a great porch one day - I've been told that I will want to screen it in, apparently there are no mozzies but the no-see-ums are a problem.
Here's the beginning of what I have going on in the upstairs laundry room. This is where I guess you were supposed to shove the dryer vent hose. The piece on the outside of the house is fine, but they did a nice job in here, didn't they?
This next picture is after I got the old wallboard torn off below the windows. It had been all torn up when they re-did the plumbing for the upstairs bathroom next to it, and never repaired. The AC is off today and the windows are wide open as you can see. Hot, but I had a fan blowing.

Here is the aforementioned plumbing re-do, another fine job. The drywall has been trimmed out nicely, and new nailer boards put in so I could patch it. My plan was to build out a little cabinet to cover the plumbing - maybe a ledge to set the laundry basket on or some such. It may be a while before I get to that part though, because one of those providential moments happened and there was a little drizzle of rain falling as I was working up here, and I noticed one drop of water! Then another and I realized the roof that I thought was in perfect shape is not. Later on I showed this to Don and he recommended taking that whole wall down, so it's a good thing it was raining BEFORE I did my little patch job. I could be annoyed, but the way I see it, it worked out the best way possible. It would suck to have that drip inside my newly repaired wall.
Don and Shawn had come by to take care of the lawn next door and once again graciously hit my little square of green stuff (can't really call it a lawn yet). I asked them if they would help me load up the door for the basement, that needed to come home so Dave could work his magic on it. I had just walked the dogs but they were inside when they loaded up the door and afterward we were talking and all of a sudden Don screamed "Oh my God!!" and bolted around the house. Shawn and I looked at each other and then I heard my front door slam. There was a noise on the roof and a couple of tools came down in front of me: I couldn't see him, but Roscoe had crawled out onto the roof through the laundry room window, to see what we were doing two stories below on the driveway!! I was stunned, frozen, afraid to look/move/think but fortunately when Don ran inside, the big dope (Roscoe) jumped back in the window to meet him. I can just imagine Rufus standing there calmly inside thinking "Hey man, what were you doing out there anyway?" It took my heart about 30 minutes to return to it's normal rate, and by then everyone else was gone. It could have gone so so badly, but once again, somebody's got my back.

I caught my breath and proceeded to finish the drywall patch, and install a connector for the dryer vent hose - see it on the right? Also please notice the windows are CLOSED. When I continue the work on Monday, a screen is one of the first things that's going in, and maybe I'll even wash the windows. I'll bring back some drywall mud and tape, and some trim so I can finish the wall before the washer and dryer go in. Jake and Bobbie's old ones are sitting on my carport at home, waiting to be installed when I come back.
Just to complete the picture, this is what is on the side across from the windows. It will be a nice little utility room when it's finished. I really do get a lot done when I'm not driving two hours a day!
And the garage door that I delivered to Dave on Thursday will miraculously be done on Monday morning. I guess it just isn't that hard for those guys to do but it is always amazing to me, and I appreciate it so much, when something gets done that fast!
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